发表于 2013-7-19 10:04:45
本帖最后由 yjwu 于 2013-7-19 11:19 编辑 & P9 ~8 g8 K4 p
flysnakewh 发表于 2013-7-19 00:37 / ~% h+ h u% h4 x9 ~' C+ J# f
请教yjwu兄,这个专利是采用什么办法?自己在A77上能否有解决办法?手头这些黑色带成色不错,不能放音太可惜了 ... , K/ w7 s+ L- ]3 u2 \
, M5 e$ {" U, ~: q+ ]
. q9 F9 i# L R9 J; z參考維基百科
% o0 @6 ]7 d# M- p- I4 d P* h- ghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampex
/ m1 S* [" k1 X1 H' S
6 `% n- f L# t; F2 TSticky Shed Syndrome[edit]Some master tapes and other recordings predominantly from the 1970s and 1980s have degraded, due to the so-called sticky Shed Syndrome: the binder deteriorates, resulting in the magnetic coating coming off the base and either sticking to the backing of the tape layer wound on top of it (resulting in dropout), or getting scraped off and deposited on the tape heads (lifting the head off the tape, degrading the treble)./ B7 b( T3 ~! R4 D `0 v4 A
8 z2 A4 U, s' M( G8 ?: kshed on head: X3 P6 t% j+ o
# v% N- J. A/ X t) x3 O- r
# W9 R% l1 {% U; y) |. }' ^
Shed on guide) [$ d) o- N0 w! n' r2 }
4 g! w" ^" z! H6 e4 D7 A# I$ wSticky shed from 1/4" Ampex 456 tape on the tape head and tape guide of a Technics RS-1500
. Z G7 m' H6 l% v. J- F+ C& W# q: G& X
O" F2 f. s; r5 c7 U7 q0 i
The problem has been reported on a number of makes of tape (usually tapes with a back coating), including Ampex tapes.
; A6 h. ]; y' ^ ]$ RAmpex filed a patent (number 5,236,790)[15] for a baking process ("A typical temperature used is 54'C. and a typical effective time is 16 hours") to attempt to recover such tapes, allowing them to be played once more and the recordings transferred to new media. The problems have been reported on tapes of type 406/407, 456/457, 2020/373.0 t- P" ]/ y& K2 t# v
2 Y; Z, y* c$ r! I另有廠家專門應付這類磁帶,他們認為背面塗層的碳顆粒也會沾粘至氧化磁性層,我也有類似的經驗:快速捲帶時,細小的碳粉到處都是!1 N) b2 ]5 m0 ?( Q2 q( e' w' p
http://www.rezerex.com/thestickyshedsolution.html" \+ F4 }5 l3 B$ x
0 f0 g. J2 L0 f* i
: x# H# t* D: k/ ]( R5 V" j另參考,基本上也是烘烤法
" l$ T& i7 o0 b$ g; ?0 Lhttp://rascherarchive.wordpress.com/2010/12/09/sticky-shed-syndrome/5 `% g' p$ l& V# `& W* K* F9 S
用水果烘乾機烘烤) k9 p% l2 x: c2 k1 Q2 }
# {* G5 _3 t/ M3 r$ I
另參考中華民國專利TWI286743號,及引證案US5830556, US5786949, US5638236, US5311371, US5236790, US5080825, US4849939.: p! D- u: ?( f/ z( v* x
- T- m+ o2 E8 J7 S0 z- c. x3 @/ c( y
5 Y1 x: U" W2 e3 \
+ L! w# Y. ^! f8 j+ M6 \4 b3 X5 O$ b' S; ?; T. y% W
0 q! j! i- f# c- W( ]3 A- Y
% J& w% {5 J8 |! C# S
+ `' A* N( J8 ~! F8 y5 b M