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kendall的个人空间 http://kaipanji.q731.myverydz.cn/?1452 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 365 人来访过


  • 性别
  • 居住地广东省 广州市



开始做点事 2022-05-10
Low noise amplifier design 2011-12-12
Low noise amplifier design Specification  
海关是难过的大关 2011-11-16


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艺术家1913 2013-1-4 22:07
micheallou2010 2012-8-18 12:49
杨老师你好,我现在苦苦寻找A80 MKIV的图纸,刚好看见你有,但你空间上的图不能下载,你能发给我一分吗?micheallou@126.com   谢谢!!
zc200812 2012-8-17 14:59
LeeNY 2012-6-12 04:01
Hi, Can you give me some suggestion about Ampex AG350-2?
Can it compare with A80 or A810?
I may get one this week. Thanks
大兵101 2012-4-8 16:28
yjwu 2011-12-5 09:50
Hello: A huge collection of treasure! And a cozy place for A820, A812 and A807! Collection of studio tapes was another source of envy. My collection of reel to reel gears so far: ReVox A77(HS), ReVoX B77 Mk II(HS), ReVox B77 Mk II (Convert to 4 track), ReVox C270 X2, STUDER A810, STUDER A807 Mk I, STUDER A807 Mk II(HS), Lyrec PTR-1 Frida. Greetings from Taiwan. P.S.: If you are interested in Lyrec PTR-1 there are still some from local source. But Kai is coming to colle ... ...
yjwu 2011-12-5 09:38
Hello there: I am sorry to hear that your STUDER A80 was broken to pieces by Chinese custom. This year I had brought an A810 and an A807 in two seperate airline travels from U.S. back to Taiwan, no problem. I disassembled several heavy parts so that the machine can be fited in a personal luggage. The size and weight of A80 was totally different story, and the destination also make a difference. Fortunately it is not a STUDER A800! Next time break A800 to individual parts and ... ...

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