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5 N5 g; @0 `3 L, ^) ^* \6 r# |+ d5 n5 U3 K; C( R; Q
3 W9 |' N$ y% `0 L, _1 ?摘自 Obsolete Media - Forum
, ~: c$ V- g+ H4 E3 t/ m% ~ t1 f
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: J" e+ A, G( u, q, A
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Chip CX-032B for Sony TC-558$ I: O" O# H/ P0 v4 I# g7 F% x
Posted on: June 16 2008 @ 01:43 PM " f: E9 Y. W8 W4 J( G% Q9 a/ a' I( Z
' P+ A1 o, k* s7 w' j. x) r
( `9 F( |2 p4 L2 G* a. VContent:
B3 b) X: C( Z8 K# Z9 s" l2 V; F
! Z% m( y4 N. r& w- tHi, did a quick Google and found this link on a German Forum regarding the CX-032B chip.
9 Q& `0 ?- `2 \6 \# h$ n Q. y" U( R+ S% ~' f
Luckily I can read German and donor machines could also be a Sony TC 440 and Sony TC 580 which have the same chip.# l1 N9 R: Z6 A5 r8 K
A rare Sony turntable TTS 400 has the same chip used as well.# [/ r, V2 { n( m. R0 K% y
& o+ U" ~& c8 Z# Q' Y
The supllier on this link has the IC listed.
0 f5 P; V4 S" N# b$ khttp://www.prelcoparts.com/sony.pdf (沒有相關資料)
9 c: ^* }& O' i( l
$ C# A. s. A5 l, {) PThe German Bandmaschinen Forum thread.
8 Y3 j' _: |, p) b6 b& n
W% }' Y. S8 P* l" ?http://mb.abovenet.de/forum2/showtopic.php?threadid=7232 ( 聯結失效)$ c3 d; ~& r, Z/ Z4 T1 }
- g" E6 i5 h6 L; {. {
Gru�, Raymond) }4 P( s- U+ [
' }. m, U6 L/ K0 u# r
Chip CX-032B for Sony TC-558Posted on: June 17 2008 @ 01:35 PM
3 P8 ^$ t1 l& T, l8 h) |By: RODALCO : }9 ?0 i9 ^" b1 w! y* l1 W N
, `4 t( e) z( n/ VContent:
5 a5 Q6 p& E1 N" Q<b>visitorj</b>, can you make a photo of the IC and the board please ? and the schema if you have it?
8 G0 Y9 Q8 H1 c. ^7 G! J2 e9 H' h
I got some of my Dutch R2R friends to have a look at it as well and with a bit of luck they can design a circuit with disrete components.
# F( z9 C2 k- Q6 TThis will help all Sony R2R users in the near future as well as our machines age over time.
3 }. w1 v* C3 C% L0 `/ m* m- _8 x. p
Kind regards, Raymond; U, B$ y3 L: a7 I; B
: @, _( p8 |- C2 U! K# L5 g" k2 S1 v, h1 J. H# D
, b' K/ c( A+ u# P( V) F0 l
5 ~1 d9 \! P- B
* T+ _4 Y& x1 p零件追蹤
& K2 U8 N/ ^( \, Q& r/ khttp://www.globalsemi.com/productdetails.aspx?itemno=875032100
& E2 ?! y9 v) A3 G, Y39.99美元 似無存貨 必須從其他舊機器拆 不過可能也是相同的毛病 --> 設計的弱點: z0 I% \, U$ A7 |0 O$ n: u3 h