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Lyrec公司的里程碑 (2007年關門)

发表于 2012-6-19 09:16:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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摘錄自AussieOzborn於2009年4月18日在The Secret Society of Lathe Trolls - A forum devoted to record-cutting deviants, renegades & experimenters 的文章
" J" U; b3 ^* I; A  r
% h6 l9 v7 B% D3 C! V7 ihttp://lathetrolls.phpbbweb.com/lathetrolls-post-4773.html
6 T- q: m6 m1 d2 F5 A+ r& E
0 i' C' p" Y# C& T+ Q4 Q/ p7 Z% z5 ILyrec的網路連結: http://www.lyrec.dk/" B" k- O6 M" B5 k$ F
& i8 J. V9 [3 G7 a# K
0 \5 ~/ z/ p" v6 g9 zWith over 50 years in the audio industry Lyrec has put a number of audio products on the world market, many of them still in use.
* `( a8 x* {8 e0 P5 O: T5 `Some milestones are listed here, many with link to picture: % @2 z- v: y9 R( M2 q

% Y8 `! M1 g, [/ q4 H$ i0 p- _7 U! O6 l0 Q* z1 E4 {
8 V3 z3 I* k' L: x& O; |! F" T2 n% z5 K  t) N0 [6 I8 l
1945 SYN A1 Synchronous motor, general purpose motor for turntables and disc cutters. : }# o; j% r/ ?$ Z! t
W25 Disk cutting amplifier 15 watt. 0 S, u" f7 C6 w, d2 O
A43 Cutter head. 9 \: l: v& ~1 b5 d. U  Z. x
. A+ _* H4 `) R: [; @& S
1947 SV2 Disc cutting lathe, portable for live recordings on lacquer discs.
' x% v- A3 ^! A2 C4 A2 r* g+ X1 _1 C7 x0 k4 o
1948 SM3 Synchronous motor, second generation.
, k8 }% j# W' W+ q
/ E& A4 O+ r: p+ T$ |5 m/ A1949 SV2/W8 Disc cutting lathe, portable for live recordings on lacquer discs.
! a  s$ {( s* ?0 O5 H
# P+ S2 t% M/ s1950 TR1 LYREC's first tape recorder, portable (45 kg!).
9 }/ J7 e3 m$ r9 K! y" z4 J; R' {" S* }. }& l
1951 TR2 Improved version of TR1.
' s/ n: E, w5 W& IAG 40-2 Transcription turntable. / F0 G+ h1 r% q5 [+ m; t1 q
8 x" \# r6 R/ {6 G3 g) d$ _
1952 TR4 Console version of TR2, also accepting the new reel standard of 10½".
! \) w$ H! D9 T* R; k/ b* [# b$ _# k2 X8 V; D7 L& q$ ^
1953 SV7 Improved disc cutting lathe. . T) v0 D6 @8 r1 q. s$ F: X4 q( Z
SM7 Improved synchronous motor. * ~9 B4 [( X$ J6 S/ C1 E+ d
$ G" j7 g+ x. v- I9 r! |6 v
1954 SV8 Disc cutting lathe stereo, of new design. ! U+ E( s8 a9 T0 ^. h) H
TR8 Tape playback machine with pre listening heads.
1 n) W) J; {- b5 Z( j$ K7 o7 _% v& x& |& d! V/ @
1955 SM8 Final design of synchronous motor. SM8 was in production until 1976 and was used as drive motor also in cutting lathes from Neumann until 1976. 8 f4 {  \# K. ^2 X$ S
( A' C1 Y* M% U) t! J. `% R+ i
1956 DL 28 Transcription turntable. 3 Q, w  @( \+ V" z, g, D; [% W) R

' g' J( s# d# f9 \  D( |; _1958 TR16 General purpose 1/4" tape recorder for broadcast applications. Available in mono or stereo.
1 W& P! W7 G( T/ eTR18 Preview playback machine for disc cutting. 6 q# ^7 V* Z$ b

# y8 C* O; k2 ?1 j0 s4 q0 m8 ]1959 TR21 Duplicating master for 1/4" tape reel-to-reel. : x: D1 e4 K: B* g7 ~: t
TR20 Duplicating slave for 1/4" tape, reel-to-reel. Duplicating ratio 4:1. ) k+ [6 c/ z7 I. ?1 p3 k8 O

$ Y& e. ]: u7 z; X  F1960 TR33 Preview playback machine for disc cutting. 9 k+ V. X6 h' s8 m" v$ v

5 `0 }+ s" W: D8 u* k1961 TIM4 Mechanical precision tape timer used on a wide range of LYREC recorders. The TIM4 was also widely used on Scully and Ampex recorders. TIM 4 was produced until 1981.
' i1 h- x+ J2 a+ R1 f" HMX-6-2 Compact portable audio mixer.
) `! X& a; X6 ?" F/ q( wMP3 Studio mixing console. $ |  }: Q9 ]5 A- F

' f3 d5 ]7 n. v; s0 Z( `1962 TR50 General purpose 1/4" studio recorder.
# Q. \: I# u1 g9 s# R; N+ nTR50-4 4-track studio recorder for 1/2" tape.
, k( S8 W5 Q& c- i1 _8 }SV10 Last version of LYREC disc cutting lathe. Produced in co-operation with Ortofon.
0 ?1 P& L/ ^- X
2 V. r" V; g1 x3 J! T; z1963 TR60 General purpose 1/4" studio recorder.
; Q4 p2 M" z* r' {3 s( |5 w2 W) l4 q( u
1964 TR43 "NUCOUNT" Instrumentation recorder for radioactive research.
' y8 {2 h: m  Y* rTR61 Correlation tape recorder. 7-channel FM recorder. IRIG standard.
, ]& V3 ]) j2 |) C
5 L- M8 `4 J4 m# Z' |, q( X3 I% ]" o1965 TR80 "MEDICORD" Instrumentation recorder for clinical applications. 8 \8 q& J7 C! q. U0 h" I
- L; ^6 ]+ b  j
1969 TR81 7 & 14 track data recorder. IRIG standard.
; r7 y9 q3 B* Z8 N4 ?2 L: y; ]" ?- {3 {: S7 s. ^( A# ]
1971 TR53 Multitrack recorder, 4-, 8- or 12-track. + b7 C& L0 ~* _. i# h
2 z" v  r! E2 l; Y" ~
1972 TR86 Instrumentation recorder, 8-track on 1/4". / Q" d% k- h( N, Y. z/ r
TR53-16 Multitrack recorder 16 tracks on 2" tape. 5 ]+ {6 [4 e" B  c% K; y
TDU7202 Digital delay line. One of the first commercially available delay lines on the market.
  s) ], a7 D4 G& Q
: r8 p- r3 h$ a% C1973 TR49 Open reel master for in-cassette duplication. Speed ratio 8:1.
+ |6 K: {" E* X7 Z0 A5 ^CR4910 In-cassette duplicator, slave unit with 10 cassette stations, Speed ratio 8:1.
' P# ~: @. S  D; {TR73 Speech compressor, tape deck with varispeed and automatic and fully electronic pitch control. 1 r& F! h0 L4 e' H5 _  B

& M  W1 H9 x  q# A: f5 W- l8 s$ P$ F1974 TR53 Multitrack recorder with integrated sync mixer.
0 s  B1 A/ ^; `3 ~0 T9 k& V0 _) u" n" X3 |/ n
1975 TR53-16/24 Multitrack recorder. # W. E, v) g) R  A8 s6 g8 o
* i0 y; P% B) ~: V
1976 TR54 Portable multitrack recorder for 4 or 8 track recordings. 9 m6 S. W- j( U- s, X7 @
49PMMS Dual pendulating open reel master for cassette duplicating. Speed ratio 8:1. : L' h$ Y0 t& w7 x% B! K
49P2S Twin slave unit for pancake cassette tape. Speed ratio 8:1. 1 ~. p6 ?. [2 O* C5 t8 ~  r: K
$ |0 A  A2 o4 ^0 `0 [) B) O' Z! ^
1977 TR532 16 and 24 track recorder for 2" tape. : j4 }4 [1 _; `
49PLM Loop bin type master for cassette duplicating. Speed ratio 16:1. , r0 v3 \$ B7 v) k
49P2S Twin slave unit for pancake cassette tape. Speed ratio 16:1.
2 u0 b8 g0 `! L4 u* ?( vTPC Computer controlled tape position controller for multitrack recorder TR532.
+ l  e, B" T5 V, k
3 x9 A$ j8 J* Z! Z) a" P5 H1978 P-2000 Release of duplicating system with a speed ratio of 32:1.
0 l1 x* S# x$ E4 I5 r3 Z
3 u" J6 _! T4 f. ?. A3 A1979 ATC Second generation of computer controlled remote for multitrack recorder TR532. . e. q$ p$ Y$ `( [: x# H

7 n3 C5 {: ]9 m6 y( X- R9 K0 k1980 TR532 Mk II New design of multitrack recorder.
& [/ `1 I. q0 k0 s1 L6 }& j, _8 s  f
1982 TR55 General purpose studio stereo recorder for 1/4 and 1/2" tape. ; U+ u; B8 r" f3 ?" G7 v' Q9 \
) F. h. J6 E: I! D0 g/ ]  ]
1983 FRED Special purpose editing tape deck. Small portable and lightweight. Designed for playback and editing of 1/4" tape and replaces a complete control-room. FRED is widely used by reporters, newsrooms etc. & n- }: l0 V0 K
& q# G4 {  l" A- b; a
1984 TR55-QC Quality control playback machine for cassette tape on pancakes. Bi-directional tape transport.
3 X5 g/ G) C! z5 J4 t0 ]/ g- p  a/ N  L- C
1985 P-2500 Release of new duplicating system with a speed ratio of 64:1. Reel capacity increased to 14" reels. Dolby HX PRO incorporated in the record amplifiers. ( a% D( e* a+ m3 H6 r5 i
, i) Q: n$ H2 u
1986 TR533 New generation multitrack recorders with 14" reel capacity. A new faster tape deck particularly designed for synchronising in post production applications.
1 M( }" X1 y8 f& j# y  G/ G: E$ f/ v) t# }! r. V* v$ c7 V
1987 HX PRO Dolby HX PRO recording system introduced in both model TR533 multitrack and model TR55 stereo recorders. - V7 V7 l9 N, `; L8 t( G$ [7 F5 r
0 _+ M: I# J, v. h6 b& W
1988 TG-511 Step frequency test generator. An accessory for improved line-up procedure, particularly for duplicating equipment.
  c7 b0 Y& a4 ?' u4 N: }1 S9 P$ Z  K5 l* a2 N4 r
1988 P-4400 New generation loop bin master, operating at tape speeds up to 480 ips. Full microprocessor controlled tape transport.
# {+ j* w2 {( g! C" x# T7 }4 m  n5 A7 }0 k8 F
1989 FRIDA New compact general purpose studio tape recorder.
+ u( r: y/ i/ P8 J* G
( ?2 `" m9 M9 E" N+ _1 T1990 The Lyrec company moves to new larger premises in Copenhagen industrial area. % w/ j0 l0 U2 ~/ |, W0 C* M& ^* x
: D, D7 c& o5 V  O2 t, ?
1991 LOADERS Lyrec acquires Robotecnica and expands the duplicating program with the cassette loaders Kronos 4 and Tachos 90 B. ) h$ [  k3 y( A5 G. b. V/ H3 h
; q! a, e+ F- w$ y
1992 DM-5400 Digital loopbin for speeds up to 64:1. High speed loading at 25:1 from S-VHS cassette. 1 F0 ^2 u; ^" A- k0 A
P-2600 Release of new generation duplicating system with a speed ratio of up to 100:1. A new type of record amplifiers allow duplicating of frequencies up to 18 kHz at 100:1 9 C3 g+ q5 b' _
P-2600 Second generation Dolby HX Pro with protection against overload.
) M. t; n9 R2 J$ M! ^; JP-2600 Introduction of new PLL motor control system.
1 x( F% M# b) `DCC Lyrec enters digital duplicating with a range of machines for DCC (Digital Compact Cassette) in co-operation with Philips.
* ]2 I6 \' [0 T: ]# ?D-3000 Slave for recording digital DCC signals at 64:1 speed ratio. ' i( B" a! w3 h" I/ h
TR55-DCC Quality control pancake checker for DCC digital tapes. # h0 M7 X! f- g2 S9 c% C3 l  o, W9 |
TACHOS 90C Cassette loader for DCC cassettes. " e4 l9 Y( \6 N, ~0 O
KRONOS 5 Cassette loader for DCC cassettes. ( n4 }4 o5 s5 c; u7 b2 z; H
TR55-CT "Chip tester" a special unit used by Philips in the production of DCC components. - C! L+ o. L! ~) x( b& }
MINOS Semi automatic cassette loader. # I, t- |! V9 i8 d( C
FRIDA FRIDA '93, a new version including RS232 interface and 27 new features, all software controlled.
  [0 L1 S3 u6 K& p$ Q* UGEPRO II Introduction of a new two colour on body cassette printer using the dry offset method. 3 L" w. Q0 N5 ?  Z! u8 {

$ |3 A/ U+ f* }) F* y% n1994 DUPLICATING Introduction of 12 MHz bias system and duplicating at 128:1 on ferric tape.
) I1 \5 t2 i2 z( B' `" |# t: P' E2 |, E, F1 w$ [: C
1996 DM-5400 Digital loopbin now speeds up to 128:1. High speed loading using CD-Audio or CD-Rom.
/ ^% P* \/ ]+ J. ?; N
" c( R. g" K. v& i- ]1997 GEPRO I New one colour on body cassette printer using flexo printing method.
3 q0 D& C. v/ F# v% L4 W' J  NPINTO Flexo printer for compact disk. One or two colours. 7 c( `3 _" C5 h7 [
DUPLICATING Duplication speed of 160:1 introduced. - u. {/ g* R) g1 M# F; x
$ Y5 k- t8 v' o3 f3 R: R2 D7 P
1998 KRONOS 6 New improved version of Kronos 5 loader. Higher speed, new electronics.
% X: x9 n; _( C) g. Y, OWEGA (pdf) Semi Automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC or VHS cassettes.
8 U8 ^- s% t9 O4 R" p0 C$ r: ?, I+ n9 N% Z( e" p
1999 * D0 h& z; g& O
AM3 Automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC or VHS cassettes. ) O: K& F( o# {) D2 V7 j

1 O$ i, V" J, m$ B& Q2 i5 }3 y2000 Wega II (pdf)
9 r3 ]9 S0 a' I& c3 c& ]' PImproved semi automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC, or VHS cassettes.
7 E# D6 {3 q. b$ v% _1 I/ P: w9 t' s- q$ W5 c7 P/ d% Z
2001 AM4 Automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC or VHS cassettes.
, o" y* S6 Q2 _' |. x! wDM-3300 Digital loop bin master
& u- y4 R) l  A, D& B2004 DM-2400 Digital loop bin master
发表于 2012-6-19 11:13:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-20 06:44:56 | 显示全部楼层
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