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玩 revox a700 b77 等等网友看过来。tba931与 tba231 可安装普通八脚运放的转接板

发表于 2012-11-9 14:20:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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revox a700 用了好多tba931这个运放。这只运放是revox与philips联合开发的或者是revox要求philips开发的。国外牛人提供的转接办法,我们可以换成其他运放来感受摩机的乐趣。
      Please note that this is not an official Studer document. The circuit diagram (page 3) and the PCBartwork (pages 4/5) have been re-drawn from an existing PCB, and this document has been compiledby myself in my leisure time. I tried hard to avoid any errors; however I’m human, and humans makemistakes. Therefore I have to disclaim any responsibility for correctness or consequential damageresulting from use of the information contained herewithin. Of course, Studer Professional AudioGmbH disclaims any responsibility and liability as well.
                        TBA931 Replacement PCB 1.081.998.00 (picture page 2)
2 A- n9 a! R8 D2 U
                         ! S! }+ c" P3 n( v, s; U
  •   -  Direct replacement for the discontinued TBA931 chip in audio circuits only.
    0 @% c3 a; s r* L! {% I
  •  -  The PCB according to pages 3...5 is single-sided, page 4 shows the copper side.
    % X) Y% m1 V$ S) a) J
  •  -  The pins were manufactured by Studer according to the drawing on page 6; they are
         no more available. Please note that two of these pins (the ones touching the front faces of theNE5532) must be insulated by a short piece of PTFE tubing or any other insulating material; thephotograph (page 2) only shows one of them. Photograph provided by Martin Berner.
    , w: p) H) h8 l" y4 u0 C
  •  -  Components for the compensation of the TBA 931 are no more used since the NE5532 is internallycompensated. They may remain on the PCB, the TBA931's compensation pins are not used by thereplacement PCB.
    # D( B: x4 s. g- h9 R+ l: O; o$ Z! v
  •  -  Pins might be replaced by pieces of multi-pin headers according to page 7. However, make surethat the pins of the header match the dimensions of the pin according to the drawing on page 6.Perhaps you will prefer to remove the pins from the plastic holder before using them. You maywant to use a precision IC socket for easy alignment of the pins before soldering.
    2 ]& F8 m$ U& w. s
  •  -  Why not use blank wire (approx. 0.6 mm dia.) instead of the pins and the TBA931's socket? Whendoing so, please allow for an air gap between the top of the NE5532 and the PCB which thereplacement PCB is mounted on, in order to ease the NE5532's heat dissipation.

    7 f: s0 [7 y# i3 ~) u6 }, {
  • -  Pad holes on the original PCB are all 0.8 mm dia. When fabricating your own PCB, make sure thatthe holes for the header pins match the ones you have available. You may want to drill the holes forthe NE5532 somewhat larger, then you can shift it in place before soldering.
     TBA931 Replacement PCB 1.080.770.81 (info on pages 8 and up)
                       ; y/ Y* O* A7 |. ~5 {" ]9 j
                            ' s' {- z2 X6 f
  •  -  This PCB may be used only for the VU meter amp 1.080.807.

    + X6 I. r9 n# I
  • -  The PCB is single-sided, its layout is shown on page 9 (component side).

    0 p# Q5 z; U) |+ [/ y- P! x
  • -  Instead of using this PCB, it is recommended to replace a TBA931 from the audio electronics by
     the replacement 1.081.998.00. Then you can use this TBA931 for the VU meter amp.

    2 q$ J: [/ X1 ^" ^6 J
  • -  The same pins as mentioned above are used for this PCB, so the hints given above apply here as
     well. The only difference is that 14 pins are used here.
    Please do not hesitate to inform me on any problems (or success), I will be glad to receive anyfeedback either through the Studer list or to my private email address.
    Robert Schrott (

                                            TBA931 information (added 080626)
    TBA931-1 - Studer order no. 50.05.0139TBA931-2 - Studer order no. 50.05.0140TBA931-3 - Studer order no. 50.05.0141
     Please note: Some fragments of the original TBA931 data sheet (by ITT/Intermetall, later fromPhilips) have been added to the folder that contains this document.
    During the search for information I learned that all the items used by Studer have been selected forthe ±18 V supply voltage. Do not expect a TBA 931 purchased somewhere else to work with supplyvoltages larger than ±13 V!



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发表于 2012-11-9 15:49:16 | 显示全部楼层
小谭玩到家了{:4_219:}" |8 u! s% ], [0 u: I/ d
TBA231网上有卖,不难找和5532一样到处有* ], ^( `# x* B) d5 Z
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-9 16:36:18 | 显示全部楼层
9 b/ z- Y5 ^6 I& J" A: D; G
谢谢红灯老师。我这才刚玩。有很多还需要您指点。tba231与tba931很相似。a700用的是tba931 b77有用tab231的有用5532的。就是想换个玩法。开盘换运放看看声音能提升不。{:4_211:}
发表于 2012-11-10 07:07:45 | 显示全部楼层
5 H5 o! e0 S. j, H, D# @; A* k换运放在玩CD的来说很多。都是模拟音频,道理是相同的。8 U' B5 s% ?/ ]0 |, v4 e& m+ I7 _* L
估计可代换的运放还有其它型号,楼主可再加深研究,获得不同的听感。/ B3 R9 e) G6 W" J  Y" D
发表于 2012-11-15 21:20:27 | 显示全部楼层
真没想到931还不如231, 明天给你搭块金封AD712的试下
发表于 2012-11-15 21:21:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-16 00:02:05 | 显示全部楼层
liuxinzhi1126 发表于 2012-11-15 21:20 ; Y9 W2 O! ~. g9 T5 j* ]% j% J3 ~
真没想到931还不如231, 明天给你搭块金封AD712的试下
* o* ?! {' Y. _+ z/ M1 d5 D
看年代 931太老了。73年的 231稍微年轻一点。但还没有5532效果好。5532是金封的 高频延展和低频的力度都很好。喜欢啊。
发表于 2012-11-16 09:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
5532 在其它位置有没有试下?今天再给你搭块金封AD712给你试下
发表于 2012-11-17 10:17:03 | 显示全部楼层
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